As a traveler and a network marketer, this concept hits home. Think of your why as the compass guiding your journey, whether you’re navigating the bustling markets of Marrakech or introducing someone to the life-changing possibilities of your business. When you lead with your why, your story resonates, your authenticity shines, and you attract people who share your vision.
Sinek introduces the “Golden Circle,” which starts with why at the core, then expands to how and what. He challenges us to flip the traditional approach: Instead of focusing first on the product (what) or the strategy (how), start with why. For network marketers, this means leading with the passion for helping others achieve their dreams, not just the features of your products or compensation plan.
Travelers often seek connection and meaning, and Sinek’s message reminds us that the best journeys are fueled by purpose. When you travel with intention—exploring to learn, to grow, or to connect—you return home transformed. Similarly, when you approach your network marketing business with purpose, you’ll build more than just a team; you’ll build a legacy.
Start With Why is a reminder that success isn’t about convincing people to buy or follow—it’s about inspiring them. Whether you’re trekking through the Scottish Highlands, building confidence in your downline, or crafting the perfect Instagram post, start with your why and watch the magic unfold.
So, what’s your why? Share it boldly—it’s the story that makes the journey unforgettable.

November Book of the month was Beach money by Jordan Adler.  This was a great book to really explain the power behind leveraged income and that while anyone can achieve it, it takes dedication and persistence.  Jordan was unsuccessful on his first multiple attempts but when he learned that this is a relationship business and to work on himself and help others, he was able to see his vision come to fruition.   Many encouraging moments as well as laying out a blueprint for steps needed.  Definitely a book to read to understand the power of passive income.